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XtraGrid Suite and Editors Library


Accept No Limitations – the most complete data grid and editors library for WinForms is only available from DevExpress. From cards and carousels to master-detail support...from our shared data editors library to ultra fast data loading...The XtraGrid Suite remains unrivaled in its capabilities and features.


Grids and editors are at the heart of most major applications and choosing the best available library is critical to the success of any such project - both in terms of time to market and end user experience. Give the XtraGrid Suite a try and see for yourself - if it is not the best and most comprehensive product library of its kind, return it to us within the first 60 days from purchase for an UNCONDITIONAL no questions asked refund!

The XtraGrid Suite is a powerhouse WinForms control library – Fact is that no other control library comes close to both its scope and breadth. See the over 40 control savailable to you once you begin exploiting the features of the XtraGrid Suite.

Instant Feedback™ UI: DevExpress WinForms Grid Instant Feedback™ UI
With our Grid Control's Instant Feedback binding mode, you'll no longer experience any UI freezing. Data operations will be performed asynchronously, in a background thread and both the Grid Control and your application will be always highly responsive.
Master-Detail Data and Grid Views : DevExpress WinForms Grid Master-Detail Data and Grid Views
From standard two-dimensional tables to runtime grouping and column customization; from master/detail relationships, to card views; from integrated skins to unbound mode... the XtraGrid Suite has been engineered to fully address your development requirements and help you compete and win in the marketplace - without compromise or hassles.
Grid View: DevExpress WinForms Grid Grid View
This standard Grid View emulates the look feel and behavior of the Microsoft® Outlook® grid - it displays data as a table and supports numerous data shaping and analysis features including: data grouping and sorting against an unlimited number of columns, row preview sections, totals and group summaries, data filtering, cell merging, etc.
Banded Grid View: DevExpress WinForms Grid Banded Grid View
This View type provides a more logical layout and greater customization options for complex datasets. End-users can hide, show, reorder entire column sets instead of having to perform the same operation on each individual column.
Advanced Banded Grid View: DevExpress WinForms Grid Advanced Banded Grid View
The Advanced Banded Grid View extends the Banded Grid View by allowing you to arrange column headers and corresponding data cells across multiple rows. It also allows you to create cells that occupy several rows.
Card / Contact View: DevExpress WinForms Grid Card / Contact View
Card Views allows you to mimic the capabilities found in Microsoft Outlook's Contacts View and supports the following extended features: end-user card resizing, card auto-width, collapsible cards, card caption images, multiple card selection, etc.


Layout View: DevExpress WinForms Grid Layout View
Like the Card View, this View type displays data records as cards. The difference is that it allows to present data more compactly. You can freely customize field layout and thus use form space more effectively.
Carousel View: DevExpress WinForms Grid Carousel View
When using the Layout View, several card arrangment modes are available - from simple tabular display to 3D Carousel emulation.
Data Sorting: DevExpress WinForms Grid Data Sorting
Sorting Against Unlimited Number of Fields ● Sorting by Cell Display Values ● Custom Sorting Algorithms ● Immediate or On-Demand Row Position Update
Data Grouping: DevExpress WinForms Grid Data Grouping
Grouping Against an Unlimited Number of Columns ● Joined Group Panel ● Multiple Predefined Grouping Intervals ● Microsoft Outlook Style Group Row Painting ● Images in Grouped Rows ● Custom Grouping Algorithms ● Automatic Group Expansion
Totals and Group Summaries: DevExpress WinForms Grid Totals and Group Summaries
Total Summaries ● Group Row Summaries ● Group Footer Summaries ● Five Built-in Aggregate Functions ● Custom Aggregate Functions ● Sorting Against Group Summary Values ● Optional Automatic Totals Summary Updates
Data Filtering: DevExpress WinForms Grid Data Filtering
Microsoft Excel Style Filter Dropdowns ● Microsoft Excel Style Filter Dialogs ● Auto-Filter Row ● Filter Panel ● Advanced Filter Editor Dialog ● Custom Filtering
Integrated Search Panel: DevExpress WinForms Grid Integrated Search Panel
DevExpress WinForms Grid Control ships with a Find Panel – delivering an easy and straightforward way for end-users to locate information within the control. To execute a search, simply press CTRL+F, enter text within the Find box and the grid will display those records that have matching values.
Cell Value Formatting: DevExpress WinForms Grid Cell Value Formatting
Display text formatting using standard and custom format strings ● Over 20 integrated cell editors for more effective data presentation ● Microsoft Excel style Conditional Formatting ● Custom painting cell values
Data Editing and Validation: DevExpress WinForms Grid Data Editing and Validation
Over 20 integrated cell editors for easier data input ● Integrated UI for Adding, Deleting, and Navigating Records ● Multiple Row and Cell Selection ● Input Validation and Error Indication
Powerhouse Grid Lookup Control: DevExpress WinForms Grid Powerhouse Grid Lookup Control
This LookUp Editor embeds a grid control in the dropdown, and provides numerous grid customization features. The built-in Search Panel allows you to quickly locate data.
Appearance Customization: DevExpress WinForms Grid Appearance Customization
Application-Wide Themes and Skins ● Color Management, Styles and Alpha Blending ● Conditional Formatting ● Custom Painting
Split Presentation: DevExpress WinForms Grid Split Presentation
Easily invoked using a context menu, the Split Grid Presentation feature allows you to divide the grid into two view regions separated by a splitter.
Design-Time Experience: DevExpress WinForms Grid Design-Time Experience
Any component library worth its salt will ship with designers to help you be more productive at design-time. As you've probably guessed by now, the XtraGrid Suite is no different in this regard - but what makes the XtraGrid stand head and shoulders above its competition are the lengths to which we have gone to streamline the design-time experience and ensure that you are more productive, each and every day.
Data Binding and Unbound Columns: DevExpress WinForms Grid Data Binding and Unbound Columns
Data Binding Options ● Unbound Columns ● Expression Editor Dialog
User Interface Localization: DevExpress WinForms Grid User Interface Localization
DevExpress .NET products have always been designed and developed bearing in mind that you may require the need to localize your application for different markets. The XtraGrid Suite is no exception in this regard.
rData Export and Printing: DevExpress WinForms Grid Data Export and Printing
The XtraGrid Suite gives you numerous data exchange options by providing WYSIWYG data printing along with data export to many popular file formats.

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